Saturday, March 22, 2014


Room 8 2012 had a goal. This goal was decided on after they had worked out they had a 'want'. Wainui Primary was neat and tidy. Mr Devine did a great job of keeping the school looking great with all the buildings kept to a high standard.

Christopher agreed these things were all good, but looking out his window he saw nothing that really made the place 'look like a school', in fact the place looked 'a little like a prison'. So Room 8 visited another school in Eastbourne to see what they had done to make their school 'look more child friendly'. 

Room 8 come up with some ideas to make Wainui Primary look more 'child friendly'. After considering all of the ideas, they decided on a mural for the outside wall of Room 8 to welcome visitors to the school. The themes were what cultures are strongly represented in our school now and how has our school changed in over 150 years.They had to research about the school's history and beginnings, events that happened since and the people that came to the school now. They wrote letters and  met with the principal to get permission to paint, as well as get materials and the paint for what they wanted to achieve.

They had meetings with a local art student Courtney  on designs for a mural and what their ideas could  look like. Room 8 finally got the paint and materials to begin work. Other former students who were on work experience at school, parents, Room 8 students and Courtney  all played a part in getting the murals completed. By now the class of Room 8 2012 had moved on.

Towards the end of last year Mr Cooper approached another former student to Olivia to see if she could turn Room 8's ideas into art for a 'Room 8 sign', similar to those we had seen at the Eastbourne school. Luckily for Room 8 she was able to give some of her time and skills.

People had said that we should consider getting the murals covered in anti-graffiti paint. Room 8 had looked at this but it was expensive. Earlier this year we approached the MMS Group who specialise in this sort of work, for an idea as to the cost. Dan Totty from the company advised last week that they would provide the anti-graffiti paint at no cost and Dan would do the painting himself, again at no cost.

Watch this space because in the next two weeks the class of Room 8 2012 hope to be able to finally have the murals and room numbering up on the wall.

They had a goal, after identifying a need or a want. They came up with a plan. Room 8 then looked for people with the skills, knowledge and resources to help them carry out that plan. At the beginning of Term two this year it will be 2 years since they visited the Eastbourne school. They didn't give up on their goal and looked at ways of overcoming the problems they faced along the way. Room 8 were aware that it would take time to achieve their goal, it had taken the Eastbourne school 10 years. They will now leave Wainui Primary at the end of the year with their 'special mark' being left at the school.

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